
  • Brightbirth Academy Lesson 1:You are in Control (BB-0646)

    Having a baby is a big deal! You’re bringing a tiny human into the world, and it’s an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual experience for you and your baby! Birth impacts your body and emotions. Being in control takes planning and preparation to have the best birth experience possible! So...

  • Brightbirth Academy Lesson 2:Your Body & Birth (BB-0647)

    You know your baby is nestled in the safe cocoon of your uterus, growing, and developing. You feel those kicks and jabs, after all! Your body is fantastic and working beautifully to bring a tiny human into the world. But have you considered how everything works together to make it happen? How wil...

  • Brightbirth Academy Lesson 4: B.r.a.i.n. & Decision Making (BB-0649)

    Labor and delivery can be overwhelming. Hospital staff may come in and out of your room monitoring you and the baby, tracking your progress, and keeping an eye on your contractions and pain level. They may offer or encourage various procedures and interventions as situations arise. What do you do...

  • Brightbirth Academy Lesson 5: Medical Pain Relief, interventions (BB-0650)

    You will likely have a lot of options offered to you in childbirth. You have medicated pain relief options, medications to move labor faster, procedures such as IVs, continuous monitoring, and more. Unfortunately, each option and procedure can lead to more interventions, interrupting the natural ...

  • Brightbirth Academy Lesson 6: Planning for Birth (BB-0651)

    A lot of planning goes into having the birth experience you want. Such as, who will support you during labor and delivery? Who is allowed in the room while you labor, or who don’t you want in the room? Who cuts the cord? Who is the first to hold the baby? Do you want immediate skin-to-skin contac...

  • Brightbirth Academy Lesson 7: Postpartum (BB-0652)

    A lot of plans and preparation lead up to your baby’s incredible birth! It’s all so exciting! But what happens after delivery? What happens with your body and your baby? This final lesson goes over the baby’s first feeding, tests, and procedures. It also covers what you can expect directly after ...

  • Brightbirth Academy Lesson 3: Pain & Natural Birth (BB-0648)