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Pam Stenzel: Sex is Awesome (LL-0558)

Love Lessons • 7m 20s
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Pam Stenzel: Pregnancy is Not a Disea...

What is treated like the biggest disease of most sexually active teens and single young adults? Pregnancy! NEWSFLASH, pregnancy’s not a disease—it’s what your body was intended to do! The real fear should be sexually transmitted diseases! In this second video of her 7-part series, Love Lessons, P...

Pam Stenzel: STIs (LL-0560)

These ain’t your grandparent’s STDs! Today, there are way more sexually transmitted diseases to worry about than 50 years ago and a higher rate of infection. STD/STIs are an epidemic in our country! Many cause infertility, cancer, and even death. In this third video of her 7-part series, Love Les...

Pam Stenzel: Character (LL-0561)

Do you have trouble attracting the right kinda guy? Do you find yourself with losers who always break your heart? Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel never getting anywhere with love? WHY DOES THAT HAPPEN? How can you change it? Change starts first by looking at yourself. We often attract exact...