Running the Rapids: Know the Raft (PP-0797)
Home is where you transfer the values that teenagers need to build a positive life. In this lesson, we discuss that the raft represents your home and what you do and don’t do in your home. The home makes all the difference in the world. The home is where you transfer your values to your kids. Too often parents give their children everything they do not need. A judicious parent knows what a child truly needs and provides that.
Up Next in Parenting
Running the Rapids: Know the Riders (...
What is acceptable and unacceptable teenage behavior and why? Lesson 3 teaches that there are perils ahead in your teenager’s life, but there are calm times, too. Even in calm times, there may be problems under the surface. As parents, you can adopt smart strategies and know your kids. Smart par...
Running the Rapids: Know the Risks (P...
Tough questions that deserve straight answers. This lesson teaches parents to talk less and say more. As parents, you should address hard issues head-on. Learn the importance of frank and open discussions with your teen. When you talk less and say more your actions can speak louder than words.
Running the Rapids: Know the Relation...
Practical guidelines for surviving the trip together. Use every opportunity to teach and to mold your child’s life. If you love your child, you will discipline them. In this lesson, we talk about reality discipline or teachable moments and their effectiveness. Improve your relationship by quest...