Words Matter: Silent Words (PP-0701)
Your child dents your neighbor’s car when playing ball in the street. Do they tell you about it, or do they hide it and hope nobody finds out? We want our children to develop into courageous little people who will always do the right thing, even when they’re afraid. But how do you teach courage? Does it come from long lectures on the virtues of being courageous? Should they read about it in a book? Or can we look for everyday opportunities in their lives to teach our children about what it means to be courageous? This video gives tips on how to help your children triumph over their fears and become courageous.
Up Next in Parenting
Words Matter: Magic Words (PP-0700)
Children are like flowers. If they are watered by positive, validating words they will open up and thrive. It sounds simple but it’s not just empty praise they need. This lesson will teach some very important guidelines and give helpful parenting advice that will make your words sink into your ch...
Words Matter: No Words (PP-0702)
Your actions speak louder than words. Children learn from parents' actions and modeling behavior much more than spoken words. When the words and the actions are in harmony, they are powerful. When the words are the opposite of the actions, the child becomes confused and often takes their lesson f...
Running the Rapids: Know the River (P...
What’s So Scary about Adolescence Anyway? Raising kids through their adolescent years is like guiding your family in a raft through whitewater rapids. The role of the guide on such a trip is vital. No one would want to take a whitewater trip without a capable guide. Lesson 1 is going to help you ...