Pregnancy & Birth

  • Your First Trimester: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0371)

    You’re pregnant, and you’re wondering, now what? There is a lot to know about pregnancy, your changing body, and your developing baby. So much happens in that first trimester! You will experience changes in your body, your emotions, and your lifestyle. Your baby also goes through a lot of ...

  • Prenatal Care: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0362)

    You’re pregnant, and you have a lot to consider. Car seats, baby’s room, baby clothes, and what brand of diapers you want to use. But the most important consideration right now is how you can take the best care of yourself and your developing baby. Your first step is setting up your prenata...

  • Eating for Two: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0370)

    When you’re pregnant, both you and your baby need nourishment in order to thrive. But what does eating for two really mean? Do you get to eat one cookie for yourself and one for the baby, and should you double your portions? In this video, we will look at the diet a pregnant mom should con...

  • Your Ultrasound Appointment: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0004)

    Getting to see your unborn baby on an ultrasound machine is an exciting and special event for any parent. It’s like unwrapping a wonderful gift as the scanner zooms in on your baby moving and bouncing around in your womb. But, as exciting as it is to see, there is more to an obstetric ultrasound ...

  • Your Second Trimester: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0373)

    Your first trimester is now behind you and you are likely feeling better. Morning sickness may have eased up and you may be thinking, “I’ve got this!” Your baby is growing rapidly, and you might even be starting to sport a cute little baby bump. The second trimester is often the most comfortabl...

  • Emotions of Pregnancy: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0007)

    Pregnancy can be a confusing time when it comes to your emotions. One minute you’re happy and overjoyed, and the next minute you may feel irritable or sad. And then, before you know it, your mood is swinging back the other way! Before you were pregnant, your emotions were likely more even-keeled....

  • What is Safe in Pregnancy: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0372)

    There is so much to consider when you are pregnant. Your entire lifestyle changes! You now must carefully consider what products you use when cleaning your home, what foods you eat, and whether you should have that morning cup-a-joe! You may even have some habits that will have to change or...

  • Bonding with Your Unborn Baby: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0009)

    From conception to birth, your baby embarks on an incredible nine-month journey. She is developing and growing from her own genetic blueprints. Even though she is different, you can start bonding with her while she is still growing in your womb. Learn about her incredible journey and how you and ...

  • Your Third Trimester: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0374)

    You are moving into your third trimester, and you’re feeling VERY pregnant. Your baby is getting bigger, and you can feel her moving and kicking. What is going on in there?! While your body is changing to accommodate your growing baby, you are likely feeling more tired, but also strangely energiz...

  • The Final Stretch: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0383)

    On your mark, get set, GO! The end of your pregnancy feels like one hundred days packed into one long month that oddly doesn’t seem long enough to get everything done to bring your baby home. There is so much to do and keep track of before birth! In this video we talk about the things in your pre...

  • Big Belly Mom Hacks: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0014)

    Everyone may seem like an expert when it comes to your pregnancy. Friends, family, and even strangers may offer advice as you experience the changes that come with your pregnancy. Even when this advice comes from well-meaning friends and family, it is important to make sure it is GOOD advice. In ...

  • Getting Ready: Nesting: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0363)

    It’s a mystery. Birds do it, hamsters do it, and other animals do it too, including humans. Nesting—is it an animalistic science-proven instinct or just a big belly felt eureka moment? Women in their last month or weeks of pregnancy are often spurred on by bursts of energy, sometimes at a fr...

  • Infant Expectations: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0021)

    The first hours, days, and weeks with your newborn baby can be overwhelming. There is so much to learn and know! What will my baby look like? What is normal? What kind of behaviors can I expect? Should my baby really sleep so much? Why does my baby cry so much? Is it colic? What if there are comp...

  • Infant Hygiene: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0022)

    Caring for an infant does not require vast amounts of training or an advanced degree. Caring for an infant simply requires a dedicated parent willing to respond to a child’s needs in appropriate ways. This video provides standard techniques of care that will help parents to provide for their infa...

  • Simple Infant Care: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0023)

    Many less common but important topics of infant care are not often discussed, particularly from a researched and documented position. This video will provide mothers with information on a variety of less common subjects that are important to the well-being of their child. Some of these include ho...

  • Taking Care of Yourself after Childbirth: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0024)

    Women are often taught to consider the needs of others before their own. After giving birth, it is critical for a woman to take good care of herself so that she is better equipped to care for her newborn. Things like postpartum healing, rest, nutrition, exercise, and how to handle the baby blues ...

  • Postpartum Depression: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0318)

    Pregnancy and birth are supposed to be a joyful time. The excitement of parenthood and a new baby, dreams of your sweet family, and those wonderful bonding moments. But all of this may lose some of its joy because of maternal depression and anxiety. This depression or anxiety can begin during pre...

  • At Risk Pregnancy: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0319)

    There is risk in everything we do in life, including starting a family. Most pregnancies progress just fine, but sometimes along the way, a complication can arise. It’s scary when this happens. In this video, we will look at the different medical conditions that can affect your pregnancy or your ...

  • Shaken Baby Syndrome: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0384)

    You’ve seen the stories in the news of babies who’ve been violently shaken and then died from their injuries. Most of us think, “Not me! I would never do that!” There are very few people who set out to hurt a baby. But when you are at your wits end, actions can become chaotic and extreme, and sad...

  • First Trimester Expectations: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0499)

    Pregnancy is a nine-month unique experience. First Trimester Expectations introduces three couples as they figure out how their unplanned pregnancies fit into their lives. You are invited to journey with Mariah and Tyler, Laila and Joseph, and Mikayla and Kyle as they share their first trimester ...

  • Second Trimester Expectations: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0500)

    Pregnancy is a nine-month unique experience. Second Trimester Expectations continues on with the stories of Mariah and Tyler, Laila and Joseph, and Mikayla and Kyle as they experi-ence their pregnancies in their own unique life situations. You are invited to be a part of their stories as you jour...

  • Third Trimester Expectations: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0501)

    Pregnancy is a nine-month unique experience. Third Trimester Expectations completes the stories of Mariah and Tyler, Laila and Joseph, and Mikayla and Kyle as they enter their final trimester of pregnancy. You are invited to journey with them to end as they have their babies!

  • Labor Expectations: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0566)

    They did it! Couples Laila & Joseph, Mikayla & Kyle, and Mariah & Tyler each had their babies! I bet you can’t wait to see how it all turns out in this final video! Join these three couples as their pregnancies come an end and experience labor and delivery with them as they have their babies.

  • Preparing for a C-Section: Pregnancy & Birth Pack (PB-0481)

    When you were first pregnant, you may not have thought too much about the birth. After all, it felt like it was a hundred years away. But now as you near the end, you may have been told that you’re having a c-section, or maybe you’re just concerned that your delivery could turn into a c-section i...