Training Required Before Showing

  • Giving God Your Worst: Offering Our Worst to God (BS-0577)

    Do NOT show to clients without first taking the corresponding training on BrightTraining.

    Many look great on the outside, living what appear to be pious Christian lives, while struggling with sin on the inside. But God can see through the facades we build and can look into our hearts. In this fi...

  • Giving God Your Worst: The Painful Truth and Forgiveness (BS-0578)

    Do NOT show to clients without first taking the corresponding training on BrightTraining.

    urrender is a hard concept to understand. By admitting defeat to our own striving, and offering up our struggles to God, He begins changing our hearts. God knows every rotten thought, every hurt, insecurity...

  • Giving God Your Worst: From Sinner to Saint (BS-0579)

    Do NOT show to clients without first taking the corresponding training on BrightTraining.

    Have you ever thought, "If I could become a better person or more like another person, I would arrive at spirituality?" You're not alone. But did you know that God wants you exactly the way you are—the way ...

  • Giving God Your Worst: The Truth Shall Set You Free (BS-0580)

    Do NOT show to clients without first taking the corresponding training on BrightTraining.

    The goal of the Christian is not to focus on self, but rather to die to self. If we are to be "living and holy sacrifices," then it requires that we do just that. This means surrendering our natural human r...

  • Giving God Your Worst: Surrendering Our Weakness (BS-0581)

    Do NOT show to clients without first taking the corresponding training on BrightTraining.

    God takes us from hatred and bitterness to His rest and peace. But forgiveness is not about forgiving and forgetting, and it doesn't mean restoration with someone who harmed us. It is about surrendering our...

  • Giving God Your Worst: Gaining Victory (BS-0582)

    Do NOT show to clients without first taking the corresponding training on BrightTraining.

    Spiritual maturity doesn't come from our accomplishments, but from recognizing what we are and feel, and from our willingness to surrender it all. We often try to control situations and outcomes to feel pow...

  • Unraveled Roots: Why am I here?: Special Circumstances (SC-0590)

    You want life to be different, but have no idea how to change it. You may doubt that change is even possible. But you’re here because you’re tired of the cycle. Tired of finding yourself in the same place over and over again. We're here to tell you this: You are not alone. You didn't arrive here ...

  • Unraveled Roots: The Root of Abandonment: Special Circumstances (SC-0591)

    This lesson explores the first root: Abandonment. Have you ever been in a crowd and felt lonely? Misunderstood? Or simply invisible? Most of us have at one time or another. But some have felt that most of their childhood. In this lesson, you will learn how to identify abandonment from your past a...

  • Unraveled Roots: The Root of Addiction: Special Circumstances (SC-0592)

    This lesson addresses the second root: Addiction. Parents who struggle with substance or behavior addictions model unhealthy and damaging ways for their children to feel good about themselves, cope with disappointments, and build relationships. If your parent(s) reached for drugs, sex, food, or m...

  • Unraveled Roots: The Root of Abuse: Special Circumstances (SC-0593)

    This lesson addresses the third root: Abuse. Any kind of abuse, especially in childhood, can damage a sense of who we are and rob us of security, especially in childhood. In this lesson, we will identify the different types of abuse and learn how to heal and grow.

  • Unraveled Roots: The Root of Codependency: Special Circumstances (SC-0594)

    This lesson will address the fourth root: Codependency. When we become too closely intertwined with others and depend on them to provide our value and purpose, our personal growth and development are damaged. In this lesson, we will explore the concept of codependency, identify if this is present...

  • Unraveled Roots: Where Do I Grow Now: Special Circumstances (SC-0595)

    You now know the why, so let's dig into the way. How do you move forward into a new way of living? What does this look like? Can your life really be different? Are you strong enough? In this final lesson of Unraveled Roots, we will answer these questions, equipping you to take healthy steps forwa...

  • Your Relationship: Healthy, Unhealthy or Abusive? (SC-0598)

    How healthy is your relationship? Do you sense in your heart something is off, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? In this lesson, we examine the health of your intimate relationships, past or present. We will discuss the difference between normal relational conflict, domestic abuse, and n...

  • Understanding Power and Control in Intimate Partner Relationships: (SC-0599)

    Most people experiencing abuse don’t recognize it because of how they define it. During this lesson, we will discuss the many ways abusive behaviors presents itself. You will receive a clear understanding of psychological abuse, property abuse, verbal abuse, and much more. You will learn about th...

  • Recognizing the Cycle of Abuse: Special Circumstances (SC-0600)

    It is common to think that someone has an anger or substance abuse issue when really it is domestic abuse. Abuse is a choice someone makes to gain power and control over their intimate partner. Anger is an emotion but abuse is a choice. It repeats over and over, like a cycle. In this lesson, you ...

  • Warning Signs of Unhealthy People: Special Circumstances (SC-0601)

    You usually can’t tell when you first meet someone if they are unhealthy or if they might be abusive. But there are signs you can watch for. The use of power and control is a pattern of behaviors. In this lesson, you will learn to recognize some of the most common warning signs of abusive people.

  • Can an Abuser Change? (SC-0602)

    No one enters a relationship to see it end. That is why this question, “Can an abuser change?” is so important to answer. In this lesson, we will draw on the two decades of experience working with those who abuse, as well as research to answer this question and another important one, “What if he ...

  • Reclaiming Your Value & Experiencing Healthy Relationships: (SC-0603)

    Do you recognize your value and your worth? When you truly feel worthy, you will begin to say “no” to the abuse in your life. How do you get there after your self-worth was damaged? In this lesson, we will teach you about how God values you, and how believing this truth will change your life. Lea...

  • Unlocking The Gospel: Lesson 2: Bible Pack (BS-0624)

    God offers you the key to unlock your future. We are saved by the grace of God through faith in the finished work of God’s only son, Jesus Christ. Receiving Jesus as Savior and becoming the recipient of this new identity is the key! But what does all that mean? Explore the concept of salvation to...

  • Unlocking The Gospel: Lesson 3: Bible Pack (BS-0625)

    Can you imagine how it would feel to be released from feelings of shame, blame, and unworthiness? The good news is, you can! But it will take some hard work. Ever wondered why it’s so difficult to break free of nagging habits, irritating additions, or annoying thoughts? Here’s why: when we’re ado...

  • Disciple Session 1 - Your Unwritten Autobiography: Bible Pack (BS-0613)

    When you think about how your life will go, what do you imagine? What do you want to accomplish? We all want our lives to count for something, make a difference, and have a purpose. This is the story of your life. Welcome to Disciple. In this 10-week course, you will explore a completely new stor...

  • Disciple Session 2 - How the Story Starts: Bible Pack (BS-0614)

    Have you ever thought about how Christianity started? This session starts with the story of Adam and Eve. Their sin left all of us spiritually dead—with the need to get back to the place of significance, acceptance, and security. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, that need is met for us....

  • Disciple Session 3 - A True Story: Bible Pack (BS-0615)

    Do you tend to follow what you feel about who you are rather than what God says you are? Do you want to give up on God when life gets hard? Our culture teaches that absolute truth is socially unacceptable. In this session, you will learn to understand that faith is choosing to believe Jesus’s tru...

  • Disciple Session 4 - The Story of the World: Bible Pack (BS-0616)

    The world can try to knock you off your tracks sometimes. It encourages you to take on false identities and settle for less than what God wants for you. In this session you will look at the three enemies that want to deflect you from God’s truth. You will begin to consider who your enemies are—fi...