Unlocking The Gospel: Lesson 1: Bible Pack (BS-0623)
There are few things more frustrating than struggling with a stuck lock that is jammed shut. You think you have the correct key inserted into the cylinder of the keyhole, but the latch won’t move. You struggle with the key, wiggle it, pull the key in and out, but nothing happens. You wonder if you have the correct key. So, you try all the other keys on the ring, and even though you knew none of them would work before you tried them, you confirmed none of them fit. You go back to the first key, it slides in. You think this time the right key will open the door latch. Nothing happens. You wonder what will free the lock from being frozen? Obsession with a desire to become freed from bondage is similar. You may feel like you are stuck inside of a cage or locked inside of a dark room and wonder how to escape. Do you wonder why you make the choices you do? Or how you can make lasting changes in your life? The answers lie with Jesus.